Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What is Filipino?

Above a "prezi" presentation that different members of my bayan and myself composed.  To view it, press play. It is on chapter 2 of the book our class has been reading, Filipino American Psychology by Kevin Nadal. I spoke about it as well as included a picture of it in my very first post!

The presentation consists of:

1. Influences of Spanish Culture
  • Ruled by Spain for 400 years 
  • Catholicism was their religion
  • Males were dominant; abusive as well
  • Women catered to men
  • Major pride
  • Very close with one another--especially if you were in the P.I.
2. Influences of American Culture
  • Before being colonized by the U.S., the P.I. didn't have a set curriculum 
  • Filipinos with thick accents would be discriminated--thought as uneducated
  • Filipinos were taught "American Dream"--making them believe they could achieve anything; more opportunities
  • American Dream would lead to gossip
  • The gossip would cause competition between opportunities
3. Filipino Values
  • How Filipinos react/act/feel with one another
4. Fading Away from Filipino Roots
  • Either dismissing the Filipino culture all together
  • Being influenced by other cultures
  • Confused on which culture to stick to--leading to acculturative stress
For any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks for your time. :)


  1. Blown away here . . . and I reposted your presentation on my blog. I gave you and your team credit, of course!. I've got to cite my sources, right? I'm curious to see how folks are doing analyzing poems and the documentary for values.

    Thanks, Ms. Jennica.
