Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How times have changed... Or have they?

As I've mentioned before, Maria Clara is the "ideal woman" for Filipinos. Appearance-wise, her hair is pulled back, in a sleek sort of bun with a floral/pin/etc. in her hair. She wears a large dress that symbolizes virtue. Personality-wise, she is respectful in all ways. She believes in being chaste and she follows all the rules. The black and white image depict this "Maria Clara" female. 

Although times have changed in the Philippines with what they wear, this whole concept is still believed. In Miss Philippines pageants and different events, they still wear these dresses with shoulder padding and a conservative look. Now, it's 2011. Times really have changed. I have been one hell of an Americanized Filipino my whole life. Never quite following the rules--the rebellious type. My parents would question my actions at moments, but I didn't mind them. As you could see, I do not dress like Maria Clara. Not like any of us would really nowadays... But my point is--although I am a Filipino female, speaking for all Filipino females (even females in general), not all of us are going to abide by this archetypal image of society. I'm not proper. In my picture, I'm laughing. I'm not going to be boring and stand like I have a stick up my ass, with a bland face. 

Bringing up another point--society. How they want us to look. I will talk about the Philippines since this is a blog dedicated to just that. What's the difference between someone who is a size 2 as opposed to a size 10? The Filipino channels (GMA, TFC, etc.) have females hosts/backup dancers who are all thin-looking. Maybe they fit a modern version of "Maria Clara"... ? Maybe it's just popularity and viewers? How about the males of the shows? Is there no ideal image for males? Hmmm... On a second note, have times changed? 

Questions? Comments? Agree? Disagree? Come on in and tell me, I don't bite. :)


  1. Good introduction of Maria Clara. I like how you related it to yourself. Good use of personality incorporated in your writing. I like how you included your opinion as well in her style of dressing compared to your style and now adays. But perhaps you could space out your information more, and break it up into smaller chunks of information so that is it not overwhelming. Other then that, very nice job, good graphic.

  2. hahaha HI JENNICA!!!! Uncaged thoughts i know i was in for a good reading. I support your way of being, i think its cool that you recognize your actions and choices. shit could be worse you could be lost in trying to figure out were to fit in. but no, not Jennica, Jennica fits anywhere (literally) keep up the strong voice its much appreciated. im sure Maria Clara would back you up and even ask to borrow something of yours to wear hahaha

  3. DON'T WEAR IT OUT!!!! Hahahahah, hi Marcel! Thanks for your input :)

  4. Hi Jennica! I love reading about this as I don't know much about Filipino culture. I want to recommend a website to you: Young, funny writing on feminism. Keep on rockin! Trissy

  5. Hello Patricia! Thank you so much. I checked out the site and I really like it!

  6. time has changed you are right Jennicca. No more Maria Clara or maybe there still some back in the mountain province part of the Philippines.

  7. I like the last part of your thoughts which you say "modern version of maria clara". I agree about what you said and I think that the times had changed too.!
